Clean Energy
Waste Oil Heaters
Family owned and operated since 1936.
Proudly serving business and industry for over 83 years. Our motto from the start has been “We Service What We Sell”. But our commitment goes much further than that. We believe our longevity is based upon providing you our customers with the finest products, service and installation available. We also believe that our years of product knowledge provide our customers with benefits that are second to none.

Our Products
Whether it be our Clean Energy Waste Oil Heaters and Waste Oil Boilers, Alkota Hot or Cold High Pressure Washers, or our vast selection of Industrial and Commercial Degreasers and Detergents, you can be assurered of getting the finest products and service at the greatest value.

About Giffith Co. Inc.
The Griffith Company is now the Clean Energy “Next Generation Waste Oil Heating Systems” factory sales and service representative for the State of Connecticut. With over 35 years experience with all brands of Used Oil Furnaces and Used Oil Boilers…
Waste Oil Heaters
Our advanced line of next-generation Waste Oil Furnaces and Boilers is more innovative, more efficient and easier to service than any other. And because our furnaces operate on used motor oil, transmission fluid and other petroleum products…
The backbone of our company, “We Service What We Sell” are not just words it is our commitment and promise to you our customers. Having sold and serviced Waste Oil Fired equipment from its inception in the 1970’s gives us a deep understanding…
Contact Griffith Company Inc.
We are happy to visit your facility and provide a detailed quote.